USCIS Grants Geographic Expansion for ALC Washington
LONG BEACH, CA (August 20, 2018) – The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency has granted approval of American Lending Center Washington’s requested geographic expansion. As of August 13, the regional center formerly known as Farm for America now has jurisdiction over the states of Washington and Oregon in their entirety. The regional center was initially approved for designation in July 2015 in select counties in Washington.
ALC Washington is one of 12 ALC regional centers held by Regional Centers Holding Group. Geographic approval for the 12 regional centers spans: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia.
Below is a list of approved regional centers currently under the RCH umbrella:
- American Lending Center, LLC
- American Lending Center Arizona, LLC
- American Lending Center Colorado, LLC
- American Lending Center Florida, LLC
- American Lending Center Georgia, LLC
- American Lending Center Hawaii, LLC
- American Lending Center Illinois, LLC
- American Lending Center New York, LLC
- American Lending Center North Carolina, LLC
- American Lending Center Ohio, LLC
- American Lending Center Virginia, LLC
- American Lending Center Washington, LLC